Les échos de nos eLearners et de leurs proches

L'eBac m'a offert une très bonne base de départ et j'ai pu acquérir des expériences et de nombreuses compétences pour lesquelles je suis très reconnaissant. Je veux exprimer mes profonds remerciements à vous et aux professeurs de l'eBac et un remerciement tout particulier à Monsieur Ben Faber et Monsieur David Draut. (Joël BASCHERA, 18.09.2017)

Ech sin der ganzer Équipe mega dankbar fier Alles! Die Arbescht déi dier leescht fier Leit wéi mier eng zweet Chance an eng nei Perspektive ze erméiglechen as einfach immens. (Stéphanie KOHNEN, 29.06.2017)

Message: Moien Häer Hoffmann

Ech muss Iech an äerer Equipe merci soen fir die 2. Chance die méi Jong de Phil Reuland bei Iech kitt huet. Hien studéiert Philosophie zu Heidelberg, D´Uni  huet nemmen 200 Sudenten  ugeholl. Am Referat an an der geschriewener Aarbecht huet hien 2x eng 1.0 kritt, a war domatten de Beschten vun den 200. Am aal griechisch huet hien eng 2.2. Daat nächst Semester mecht hien nach japanisch Kultur mat der japanischer Sprooch. Hien ass zu 100 Prozent motiwéiert an gefällt him super zu Heidelberg. Die allerbeschte Gréiss Jean-Claude Reuland

Interview with Mr Braquet e-learner

In 2009, I decided to acquire my high school degree. I had obtained a Brew master degree in Dortmund Germany. Nevertheless, I still had the desire to complete my high school degree because in the current job market I consider myself more employable with a high school degree.

I have currently completed the whole curriculum of the Luxembourgish eBac, and I am set up to take my final exam in June of 2017.


My experience during the eight years that I was an e-learner are very positive. I consider the e-teachers to be very outgoing and passionate about their job. They have gone way beyond in order to get us e-learners to understand the subject matters they taught. I appreciated the fact that in the eBac it is possible to be in-between two school years in different subjects. Comparing a traditional evening school with the eBac is impossible. I consider attending an evening course to be lost time. The real benefit of the eBac is the fact that as an e-learner you can do your studying when you feel like it. Moreover, I really enjoyed the fact that the courses were online as a whole and right from the beginning of the course. This enabled me to review the course as often as I wanted to. The most important thing I learned while attending the eBac was how to structure myself within my study process. I highly recommend the eBac to adult learners seeking to obtain their high school degree.